Life at Cambridge /
Sharing from Our Scholars
Life at Cambridge
Find out what past Scholars think about Cambridge and the Scholarship here.
Coming from a modest background, I was supported by the Prince Philip Scholarship to read Social and Political Sciences at Trinity College, Cambridge. This experience has an immense impact on my career, learning process, and attitude. I am forever grateful for this opportunity.

Ms. Cheuk, Karen Hoi Lam
1999 Scholar

Ms. Cheuk, Karen Hoi Lam1999 ScholarTrinity College
Coming from a modest background, I was supported by the Prince Philip Scholarship to read Social and Political Sciences at Trinity College, Cambridge. This experience has an immense impact on my career, learning process, and attitude. I am forever grateful for this opportunity.
Cambridge opened doors. Had I not gone to Cambridge, I would not have been exposed to many options. After attending presentations from city firms and interning in London, I decided to go into business.
Supervisions in Cambridge strengthened my analytical skills. I learnt how to build linkages and spot implications from a large pool of information. This learning process has been extremely useful in my management consulting career, as well as in handling critical life decisions.
I learned to believe in myself and to take risks. After becoming a mother, I have been passionate about teaching Chinese to the children in the UK. To realise my aspiration, I co-founded Little Bunnies Mandarin LLP, while pursuing my management consulting career. In four years, it has grown from one class in a local library to nearly 20 classes across London, enabling children from one to twelve years-old to learn Chinese in a fun and engaging way.
Stay open-minded and make the best of your Cambridge experience!
Karen is currently Commercial Manager of Bain London & CEO of Little Bunnies Mandarin.
Thanks to the Prince Philip Scholarship, I was given a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to study Medicine at Cambridge.

Mr. Hui, Alex Yui
1988 Scholar

Mr. Hui, Alex Yui1988 ScholarRobinson College
It was three decades ago that I matriculated in Robinson College. Thanks to the Prince Philip Scholarship, I was given a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to study Medicine at Cambridge. But it was not only the education I received that defined my time there. Let’s not forget the lifelong friendships that were forged, exposure to English culture, language and humour, the laughter, the somber moments and the numerous incidents which could only have happened there. My sons have probably heard me on more than one occasion describing the time I met Professor Stephen Hawking in the garden of Robinson College. Or the time I was sitting across from a man who was reading A Brief History of Time in a barber shop just moments before Professor Hawking himself appeared there in his wheelchair. Then there were the gloomy days of June 1989. We cherish our memories of this beautiful place for our own personal reasons, and for me they were some of the best memories of all.
Dr Alex Hui Yui is a Specialist in Gastroenterology and Hepatology in private practice in Hong Kong.
Going to Cambridge to do my BA was no doubt a life changing event, made possible only with a full scholarship award.

Mr. Cheung, Louis Chi Yan
1982 Scholar

Mr. Cheung, Louis Chi Yan1982 ScholarCorpus Christi College
Life encompasses an extended intellectual journey. For me and many others, Cambridge is where that journey makes a brand new beginning. Its intense academic setting, great diversity, and a healthy dose of peer pressure have all helped nurture us into truly independent minds. Going to Cambridge to do my BA was no doubt a life changing event, made possible only with a full scholarship award. After working for four years post-graduation, I felt the urge again to return to Cambridge to do my PhD. Gratefully, this second stretch of Cambridge immersion enriched my appreciation of life and I left with a humble and loving heart. Through multiple career changes and other twists in life, my journey as a modest intellectual continues.
Louis is the (founding) CEO of Boyu Capital.