Life at Cambridge /
Sharing from Our Scholars
Life at Cambridge
Find out what past Scholars think about Cambridge and the Scholarship here.

Mr. Yeung, Jeffrey Yat Long
2018 Scholar
My three years at Cambridge have been most enriching and academically inspiring, and this would definitely not have been possible without the great support and community formed through the Prince Philip Scholarship.

Ms. Poon, Dana May
2015 Scholar

Ms. Poon, Dana May
潘智佳2015 ScholarTrinity College
Having graduated from Cambridge recently, I am beyond grateful for the Prince Philip Scholarship that has allowed me to fully enjoy my time at University and make the most out of this incredible opportunity to learn from professors, peers and make use of the academic resources available to students. As there were ten scholars admitted in my year, being part of this group has allowed me to form great friendships with fellow scholars. Participating in events organized by the Friends of Cambridge has also given me the opportunity to learn and receive career advice from graduated scholars who are currently working in Hong Kong. My three years at Cambridge have been most enriching and academically inspiring, and this would definitely not have been possible without the great support and community formed through the Prince Philip Scholarship.
Dana is currently working as a financial analyst in New York.
I am forever thankful that I took that leap of faith and applied for the Prince Philip Scholarship all those years ago.

Ms. Rane, Jai
2014 Scholar

Ms. Rane, Jai2014 ScholarPembroke College
My Cambridge experience was a truly enriching one. Having never ventured outside Asia before, I was initially unsure what to expect when I first arrived at Pembroke to read English. However, it did not take me long to realize what a stimulating place Cambridge is. There is opportunity to learn at every corner. If enlightenment didn’t strike during a lecture, it would strike during a conversation with the stranger in the UL tea room, or in the middle of a discussion with my housemate. I particularly enjoyed how Pembroke formal halls would morph into informal cross-discipline seminars. When not defending Alexander Pope over dessert, I enjoyed volunteering for Schools Plus, and organizing poetry workshops for the homeless as president of Hiraeth. Now that I am poised to return for my 5th year at Cambridge, this time as a PhD student, I am forever thankful that I took that leap of faith and applied for the Prince Philip Scholarship all those years ago.
Jai is currently a PhD candidate at Cambridge.
So don’t miss out on this opportunity; apply for the Prince Philip Scholarship to unlock this unique experience and join the community of scholars to create life-long friendships.
Mr. Ting, Julian Cheuk Hei
2014 Scholar
Mr. Ting, Julian Cheuk Hei
丁卓熹2014 ScholarPembroke College
Studying abroad, thousands of miles from home away from family and friends may be a daunting thought, but don’t let it discourage you from applying to Cambridge. As one of the best universities in the world, Cambridge offers a large variety of courses that allow you to develop skills valued both in industry and in academia. In your spare time, there is also a plethora of clubs and societies ranging from sports to collage-making, available to broaden your horizons and to socialise. I have been the co-chairman of the college bridge club for three years and have thoroughly enjoyed the intellectual exchange with other players. So don’t miss out on this opportunity; apply for the Prince Philip Scholarship to unlock this unique experience and join the community of scholars to create life-long friendships.