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Offers /What do typical conditional offers from the Scholarship look like?
You can check the following webpage for typical offers from Cambridge.
Conditional offers from the Scholarship are, in general, slightly tougher than the corresponding offers from Cambridge.
Offers /Can I choose another course after receiving a conditional offer?
All students are assessed based on the courses they applied for. Changing courses before meeting the qualifications stated in a conditional offer is not allowed. However, if you want to change to another course after meeting the qualifications, you need to contact us first.
Offers /Can I change my subjects after receiving a conditional offer?
You should discuss your case with us as soon as possible.
Offers /Can a conditional offer be extended for another year?
Offers /After a college has made me an offer, can I change to another college?
Once you have submitted your UCAS form, it is not possible to change your choice of college.
Offers /If I cannot secure an offer from any college, will the Scholarship still grant me a conditional offer?
A conditional offer will not be forthcoming from the Scholarship if you do not receive an offer from a college.