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Applications /Does my choice of college affect my chances of being offered the Scholarship?
You should not be worried if you feel unsure about the choice of a college. In such cases, just make an “open application”. This will not in any way prejudice your chances of being selected.
Applications /Can I apply for the Scholarship without applying for Cambridge University?
Applications /I intend to choose “deferred entry” in my Cambridge application. When should I apply for the Scholarship?
You should apply for the Scholarship at the same time as you apply for the University of Cambridge.
Applications /If my school does not support all the pre-requisite subjects, would it be sufficient for me to take the pre-requisite subjects in another examination system as a private candidate?
You can take a combination of qualifications from different examination systems provided that the individual qualifications are acceptable and any subject requirements are met.
Applications /Will my chances of being selected improve if I study part or all of my qualifications early?
No, we would rather students develop broader and deeper knowledge of the subjects most relevant to their chosen course than rush into examinations.
Applications /Will taking additional subjects (in HKDSE, GCE-A levels etc) make my application more competitive?
Most applicants are studying three or four GCE-A levels subjects or 7 subjects in HKDSE. This is usually sufficient to show breadth of interests and ability to manage a range of differing academic tasks. We would rather students develop broader and deeper knowledge of the subjects most relevant to their chosen course than accumulate additional A Levels.