About the Friends /
Message from the Chairman

Cambridge is one of the leading universities in the world, home to Nobel laureates, cutting-edge research and the best and the brightest students from over 70 countries. As a student at the University of Cambridge, you are part of a community that is constantly exploring and innovating, and creating new ideas that are changing the world.
I look back on my days at Cambridge as among the most rewarding and memorable of my life. I made friends with whom I remain close to this day. The professors who taught me – or tried to teach me! – have left a lasting impression upon me. They gave me a worldview that has shaped my character and inspired my thinking.
In 1981, I was very fortunate to have a meeting with the then Vice Chancellor of Cambridge, the famous mathematician Professor Sir Peter Swinnerton-Dyer, during his visit to Hong Kong. From our discussion came the idea to found the Prince Philip Scholarship, with the aim of supporting talented Hong Kong students to study for an undergraduate degree at The University of Cambridge, especially those who do not have the financial means to study overseas. I wanted as many Hong Kong students as possible to experience what Cambridge has to offer.
To date, we have supported over 230 Hong Kong scholars under the scheme.
A number of people in Hong Kong and Cambridge shared my dream, and we founded The Friends of Cambridge University in Hong Kong to fund and run the Prince Philip Scholarship scheme. To date, we have supported over 230 Hong Kong scholars under the scheme.
I very much hope that you will take advantage of the opportunity provided by the Prince Philip Scholarship. Your application could change your life!